Credit Requirements 2016 and Beyond

Graduation Credit Requirements
Class of 2016 and Beyond


Students must complete a minimum of 44 semester credits, as specified below. Students are expected to meet California standards in English, mathematics, science, history/social science, fine and practical arts, and physical education, as well as the UC/CSU "A-G" course requirements.

Students and parents can log into the district's Naviance high-school graduation system to find complete course lists.

  • See the Course of Study for specific classes that meet these requirements.
  • History/Social Science: Six semester credits (3 years) required in UC-approved courses in the 'a' subject area: two credits in world history; two credits in U.S. history or an advanced alternative; one credit in government and one credit in economics, or two credits in an advanced alternative as specified in the Course of Study.

  • English: Eight semester credits (4 years) required: two credits in grade 9; two credits in grade 10; and four credits in grades 11 and 12, including one credit in a course that emphasizes American literature and three credits from a prescribed list of English courses. English credit is not granted for theater, public speaking or journalism courses. Theater earns visual and performing arts credit, public speaking earns elective credit, and journalism earns practical arts credit. English as a Second Language (ESL) 5, 6, may be used to fulfill two of the eight-credit English requirement.

  • Mathematics: Six semester credits (3 years) required: two credits in Integrated Math I; two credits in Integrated Math II; and two credits in Integrated Math III or other UC 'c' approved mathematics courses as specified in the Course of Study. Students and parents can log into the district's Naviance high-school graduation system to find complete course lists.

  • Science: Six semester credits (3 years) required: one year of life science (biology or other laboratory science course in the UC "D" subject area); one year of physical science (physics, chemistry, or other laboratory science course on the UC "D" subject area); and one additional year of science coursework in the UC "D" (laboratory science) or UC "G" (elective) subject area.

  • Language Other Than English (World Language): Four semester credits (2 years) required in UC approved courses in the 'e' subject area in the same World Language.

  • Visual and Performing Arts: Two semester credits (1 year) in the UC "f" approved Visual and Performing Arts course.

  • Electives: The required UC 'g' elective is fulfilled by satisfying the district's requirement for a third year of science. No additional college prep elective is required for graduation.

Additional Credits

  • Physical Education: Four semester credits (2 years) Physical Education (Fitnessgram required). Students who do not pass five out of six Healthy Fitness Zones on the Fitnessgram must enroll in physical education courses until an overall passing score is obtained.

Additional credits needed to reach a minimum of 44 may be earned by completing additional courses in the above areas, career-technical education courses, or other electives.



Minimum needed to graduate: 44 high school credits.

Core UC 'a-g' Course Requirements

  1. 6 credits (3 years) History/Social Science

  2. 8 credits (4 years) English

  3. 6 credits (3 years) Mathematics
    • Integrated Math I
    • Integrated Math II
    • Integrated Math III or advanced mathematics course

  4. 6 credits (3 years) Science

  5. 4 credits (2 years) Language Other Than English (World Language)

  6. 2 credits (1 year), UC "f" -approved Visual and Performing Arts

  7. The required UC 'g' elective is fulfilled by satisfying the district's requirement for a third year of science. No additional college prep elective is required for graduation.

Total: 32 credits

Additional Requirements

  • 4 credits (2 years) Physical Education (Fitnessgram required). Students who do not pass five out of six Healthy Fitness Zones on the Fitnessgram must enroll in physical education courses until an overall passing score is obtained.
  • 8 credits (4 years) electives

Total: 12 credits

Graduation Requirements for San Diego Unified compared with UC System

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